Rooftop photovoltaic panels atop the Indoor Practice Facility
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Three new buildings on campus were designed to be "solar ready" (building structure and electrical systems designed for installation of future rooftop solar system) – Indoor Practice Facility, Anonymous Hall, and the Friends of Dartmouth Rowing Boathouse. In 2020, Dartmouth contracted with Revision Energy to install photovoltaic (PV) systems on these buildings after building construction was completed. The contract was a PPA (power performance agreement) with no up-front cost to Dartmouth. The College will pay for the electricity generated by the systems over a long-term contract (25 years) at electric rates that are less than or equal to buying the electricity from the grid.
Installation of these three new rooftop photovoltaic systems was completed in 2020. Dartmouth previously installed rooftop PV systems on 11 existing buildings on campus in 2017 and 2018.
Installation of these three systems will increase on-campus photovoltaic solar generation by over 70%, with Dartmouth now generating about 3% of its purchased electricity from renewable energy systems.
The system installed on the Indoor Practice Facility roof is the largest PV system installed to date on campus, with an installed capacity of 400 kW ac.
Projects completed: Dec. 2020