Leverone Field House

About the project

The Leverone Field House is currently undergoing a replacement of the building's roof and a renewal of its mechanical, electrical, and fire protection systems. Originally built in 1965 by Italian architect Pier Luigi Nervian–an early adopter of reinforced concrete construction in public spaces–the building was previously renovated in 2000. For more insight into the project, take a look at the Interactive 3D map of Leverone Field House. 

Project Goals

  • Replace and insulate the existing roofing.  

  • Replace the lighting and fire alarm systems. 

  • Convert the heating system from steam to hot water. 

  • Install an air conditioning system. 

Project Timing

  • The south-facing portion of the roof has an anticipated completion date of fall 2024. 

  • The north-facing portion of the roof and new HVAC system has an anticipated completion date of winter 2025. 

What's currently happening

  • Re-roofing of the southern portion of the roof is generally complete; installation of edge metal and textured walkways is ongoing. 

  • Replacement of the fire alarm system is ongoing.  

  • Installation of the new interior light fixtures is ongoing.