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Due to limited parking resources for employees and visitors on campus, senior leadership wants to limit the impact of the loss of parking. Additionally, no matter how large or small the construction project, extensive communication to impacted parking users is required. This policy aims to create clarity for all internal project managers.
To mitigate the disruption to parking during construction-related projects on the Dartmouth College campus.
To help assure the safety of pedestrians and vehicles through parking lots and around parking spaces during nearby construction projects.
Vehicles parked on Dartmouth property are subject to all Dartmouth rules and regulations.
Sensitivity to busy times of the academic year and special events are required when planning for the loss of any parking spaces.
The director of transportation services has final say over construction plans that impact parking and the safe flow of traffic and pedestrians in parking areas. In addition, Transportation Services is responsible for coordinating communication to campus constituents when projects impact parking, pedestrian and traffic flow in parking areas.
The project manager is responsible for:
Parking Plans
Project parking plans, including proposed construction and staging areas which could potentially restrict use of parking lots and parking lot access, are required for every project on campus. Plans must be submitted to transportation services for approval prior to the start of the project. Keep in mind project complexity and level of anticipated impact on parking, which could require months of preparation. At a minimum, a one week notice for small projects is required.
Planning for construction projects should begin with anticipating no loss of existing campus parking spaces to staging areas or construction. Only under careful review by appointed representatives of Transportation Services, PM Services and FO&M, will exceptions be granted to a project. This same group may consider other impacts of the proposed project unrelated to parking and transportation during this review.
Contractors are encouraged to access campus by alternative means that don't require parking. Parking arrangements for commuting contractor employees is the responsibility of the general contractor and will typically not be provided on Dartmouth property. However, should parking be available on campus during select periods for commuting contractors as part of the approved project parking plan, the general contractor may arrange for the purchase of permits to park contractors in areas as designated by Transportation Services.
We understand construction projects may impact campus parking for many valid reasons. A daily fee matching the current core contractor daily permit rate will be assessed for each temporarily lost parking space.
Current contractor, vendor and service provider parking permit rates are contained on forms available from the Transportation Services hompage.
Lots used for staging or impacted by construction must be returned in the original condition at the cost of the project. The project manager, representatives of FO&M and Transportation Services shall walk the area of construction at the beginning and end of a project to document the condition of the lot. All damages to parking lots/equipment will be the responsibility of the project.
Contractor parking
When a staging area is in place, all project related contractor vehicles must be parked inside the fence as approved by the project manager. When town of Hanover site plan approvals are in place and a list of contractor vehicle information is required to be supplied to them by the project, this same list will be shared and updated with Transportation Services.
In cases where a project has no staging area, the project manager may request to purchase a single parking permit for each trade working at the construction site. The parking location for these permit holders will be assigned by Transportation Services.
The project manager must submit permit requests using the appropriate form. Upon approval, permits can then be picked up and paid for at the Dartmouth Transportation Services office located in the basement of North Massachsuetts Hall. Forms and rate information are available from the Transportation Services homepage.
In the event contractors require time to load/unload or receive deliveries at worksites, temporarily parked vehicles with flashers engaged are allowed while actively loading or unloading. A driver capable of moving the vehicle must be present at all times.
When requested, a Transportation Services representative will attend major pre-bid and pre-construction meetings to relate parking permit costs and policies associated with each construction project. Project managers are required to notify and coordinate attendance at these meetings with Transportation Services.
In rare instances, an annual contractor parking permit may be approved by the director of transportation services for purchase. This permit is valid in all non-reserved campus permit areas, except when special rules are in place within specific project parking plans that preclude use of some permit types due to limited parking and/or constricted work sites. This permit is typically sold to contractors, service providers and vendors who require access to multiple areas of campus to perform their duties.
The project manager will have discretion over vehicles approved to park inside fenced staging areas.
Payment of fines and fees for enforcement action taken by Transportation Services for improper parking on campus is the responsibility of the individual the vehicle is registered to, unless the construction company wishes to pay instead. If a contractor or employee wishes to appeal a citation, instructions on how to appeal the citation are included on the citation upon issuance. Project managers should not commit to contractors that fines and/or fees will be dismissed.
Transportation Services will not issue citations or remove vehicles from an area that has not been coordinated as being closed in advance. In emergency situations, Transportation Services can try to contact the individual and request they move their vehicle. In the event a vehicle must be towed due to an emergency, it will be at the expense of the contractor.
All project parking plans must include notice and communication requirements that detail how parking spots are impacted throughout construction, and include steps on how the impacted community will be regularly notified.
People involved in managing or working on capital projects on the Dartmouth campus are affected by this policy. These individuals include, but are not limited to:
Vehicles that are not parking in appropriate spaces may be ticketed, booted or towed.
Website and forms on parking for contractors, vendors and service providers are available from the Transportation Services homepage.