Administrative Oversight of Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Stations

Summary of Policy

This policy assigns centralized administrative oversight of financial and reporting functions associated with EV charging stations located on the Dartmouth College campus and Dartmouth Real Estate properties to the Office of Transportation Services.

Reason for Policy

Parking revenue and data generated from use of public EV charging stations and parking spaces require centralized collection to evaluate and report on demand, plus distribute funds collected from charging sessions to reimburse electricity and cover maintenance costs.

Affected Parties

College Staff

Policy Statement

Transportation Services is account administrator over all public EV charging stations located on the Dartmouth campus and Real Estate properties, including, but not limited to the following functions:

  • Assigns user access to EV charging station software
  • Determines and programs EV charging station parking rates and time limit
  • Point of contact for EV charging station repair and maintenance
  • Reports out on EV charging station use and collected revenue

Transportation Services provides the clearinghouse account for revenue collected from use of EV charging stations on the Dartmouth campus and Real Estate Office properties. Monthly collections from charging sessions are distributed by journal transfer to the appropriate office as follows:

  • CECS Parking Garage and Surface Parking Lots: Transportation Services retains collected revenue. Facilities Operation and Management charges back to Transportation Services for actual electricity costs.
  • Real Estate Office Lots: Distribute all collected revenue to the Real Estate Office, with responsibility to maintain, repair and replace EV charging stations, parking stalls and signage, at their expense.

Rates at EV charging stations are reviewed annually and adjusted, as necessary. Rates include an hourly parking fee, plus the cost to provide electricity and maintain charging stations, parking stalls and signage.

Revenue collected from citations issued at charging station parking spaces for violating Dartmouth parking rules is retained by Transportation Services.

Fleet EV Charging Stations

Campus and Transportation Services approved EV charging stations located on the Dartmouth campus and marked "not for public use" are installed exclusively to charge Dartmouth owned fleet vehicles. All costs to operate, maintain and replace is the responsibility of the purchasing department.

Exclusions & Exceptions

Exceptions to this policy may be made pending the review and approval of the Associate Vice President of Business & Hospitality.

Effective Date

May 5, 2021

Last Revised Date

May 5, 2021

Office of Primary Responsibility