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Work will continue through summer, with the building expected to be in use for fall term.
Faculty and staff who work in Reed Hall have been moving out of the building this week so that renovation work can begin on the 179-year-old building.
Reed has been home to a number of departments, including comparative literature, Russian, linguistics, classics, and Jewish studies, as well as classroom space. Some of the departments will move to temporary space in the 37 Dewey Field Rd. building. Others will be located in the renovated Dana Hall, which will open in January.
To make up for the loss of classroom space, rooms will be used at 37 Dewey, Dana, Kemeny/Haldeman, and in the East Wheelock residence hall cluster.
Work in Reed will continue through the summer, with the building scheduled to be back in use for fall term. The renovation will include adding an elevator to make all floors of the building accessible, adding classroom space, and new heating, cooling, and lighting systems.
Visit the Campus Services website to learn more about the Reed Hall project.
Susan J. Boutwell can be reached at Susan.J.Boutwell@dartmouth.edu.