Managing Utilities for New Buildings and Major Building Renovations

Summary of Policy

The cost to provide utilities services during a capital project construction or renovation must be paid for by the project. Such costs should be estimated and incorporated into the capital project budget.  

Reason for Policy

To assure that utility costs are fairly allocated to major capital projects. 

Affected Parties

All Staff

Policy Statement

Dartmouth College has campus utility systems that provide electricity, steam, hot water, chilled water, domestic water and sewer services to buildings throughout the campus. When new buildings are constructed or existing buildings undergo major renovations, the Project Manager shall coordinate with FO&M's Director of Engineering and Utilities their plan and schedule to utilize campus utilities to support the project. The costs of utilities that are provided from the campus utility system during construction shall be paid for by the project. Utility billing will be transferred to the building owner when the building has been turned over for operation to the facilities department at Substantial Completion.

Project utility consumption is to be metered by permanent or temporary building meters. If the project is a major renovation to an existing building, existing building utility meters may be available to meter utility consumption during construction. The cost to provide any new permanent or temporary building meters shall be paid for by the project.

Metering data during construction can be collected electronically through the campus Energy Management System, or can be read manually and reported monthly to FO&M's Energy Management department. The project shall coordinate with FO&M's Energy Management department on temporary or permanent meter specifications and data collection.

Exclusions & Exceptions

Any exceptions to this policy shall be reviewed and approved by the Chief Operating Officer of Campus Services, in consultation with the Associate Vice President of FO&M, the Director of Project Management Services, and the Director of Engineering and Utilities.


Major capital projects will incur unanticipated project costs if construction utility costs are not budgeted and planned for during the design phase of the project.



Effective Date

December 1, 2020

Last Revised Date

January 5, 2021

Office of Primary Responsibility