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Do you want to request a special entrée or food item? Give feedback on some great service or sandwich you just received? Or tell the FOCO bakers how much you love their warmed chocolate chip cookies?
DDS is hungry for your feedback, so tell them about your dining experience by sending a TEXT message.
Providing feedback is simple:
Create a new text message to… 55744
To direct feedback to the dining hall in ’53 Commons, type in txtfoco plus your request, comment or suggestion
Example: txtfoco love those cookies!
To direct feedback to the HOP Courtyard Café, type in txtcyc plus your request, comment or suggestion
Example: txtcyc you make the best subs!
DDS Managers will respond quickly either by replying directly, by posting your message to one of the dining hall screens, or both. All messages will be thoughtfully considered. Check out the dining hall screens at 53 Commons and Courtyard Café to see the comments shared by others.