Decarbonization in Progress

A major distribution piping upgrade is underway on East Wheelock Street between College Street and Crosby Street. Two-way traffic will be maintained except during nighttime work hours, when only eastbound traffic will be routed. Pedestrians may continue to use the sidewalk on the north side of East Wheelock Street during this time.

Questions? Contact Us.

If you have any questions or concerns about work happening in your area, please contact Work Control using the link below. Work control will route your question to the appropriate party to get you the fastest and clearest answer possible.

What's Currently Happening


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Dartmouth's priority is our steam to hot water transition. Steam distribution piping will be replaced with new, highly efficient hot water piping. Buildings will be updated to receive hot water distribution.

About the Program

As a climate change action leader, Dartmouth is investing $500 million to reach carbon zero operations by 2050. How will we do it? We must reshape how we heat, cool, and power our campus, including drastically reducing energy consumption, constructing highly efficient new buildings, and transitioning to low-carbon energy sources. The addition of an expanded geo-exchange system to our campus energy technology portfolio will help us meet our energy needs without generating operational carbon emissions.

Project Milestones

  • Distribution upgrades complete by 2030
  • Geo-exchange borefields to be installed by 2028
  • Geo-exchange plants expected to be operational by 2030

See Timeline