Webster Rauner Exterior Improvements

About this project

Webster Hall, home of the Rauner Special Collections Library, was exhibiting signs of accelerated degradation of roof and cornice materials. The copper roof and decorative cornice are important elements of the building's design. Several modillions (similar to corbels) have dislodged from the structure over the last 18 months, and recent destructive testing has shown that damage to interior steel supports was more extensive than initially anticipated. The goal of the current project is to implement a comprehensive restoration over the next two construction seasons and eliminate all sources of water infiltration by replacing roofing and sealants. Restoration of decorative cornice elements in a new manner to remove reliance on failing steel elements is another major part of the scope of work.


What's currently happening

  • Repointing of the eastern façade is well underway.
  • Restoration of the Baker lawn is ongoing with turf expected by the middle of May.
  • Curing and punch list work on the modillions was also completed, paving the way for the removal of the temporary enclosures.